The Polish Territorial Defense Force & STERISAFE PRO

Photo by Polish ArmyThe Ministry of Defence could immediately use…

Disinfection with automated environmental disinfection in hospitals

STERISAFE PRO, more than an ozone generator

A quick web search on “ozone generator” returns more than 14 million results.…

Why is STERISAFE effective against Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)?

Corona virus remains infectious on contaminated surfaces for up to five days…

Direct handling of disinfection products: Dangers and solution

One of the main reason to use an automated room disinfection system such as…

Food processing disinfection

EmeRí Nutrition - Ireland

Making production of infant milk formula saferDue to strict hygiene…

Blue yacht

STERISAFE on a superyacht

STERISAFE on boardTwo STERISAFE PRO units are currently operating at one of the…

O'Flynn Medical, Ireland

FDDC for mattress disinfection at O’Flynn Medical Ltd, Cork, Ireland, 10th of…

Vetmidi, Swissmed

Report on the results of a field test FDDC in an operating theater (OT) in…

Clinica Guayaquil

FDDC in an operating theater (OT) in Clinica Guayaquil, Friday 31st of August…