STRATOS is the STERISAFE cloud platform that allows users of the STERISAFE PRO to validate their disinfection process automatically. The full-depth disinfection cycle (FDDC) technology, which underpins the STERISAFE PRO, is the only technology within the ARD pantheon that allows users to validate their disinfection result based on hard data. There is no longer a need for a hygiene manager or cleaning personnel to implement additional controls or fill out innumerable forms. This is possible because the platform can monitor all parameters in the room that are relevant for the disinfection success; and because our biocidal gas, the ozone, is able to reach every surface in a room equally.
Due to the development and integration of the STRATOS platform, clients are not only able to view the features mentioned above; they are also accorded access to all the data which is relevant to their individual disinfection process. STRATOS takes this data, stores it, and processes it to make it easy for users to see if a cycle was validated, which rooms have been disinfected, and when. Furthermore, there are multiple features that enable clients to locate any STERISAFE PRO unit that is in use. Users will also be provided with a detailed disinfection cycle report, which includes additional information that can be relevant for the client. The report is available on the platform but can also be downloaded and sent to stakeholders during the disinfection process. The protocolization and management of all disinfection processes will allow hygiene staff to monitor and document all disinfection processes centrally, even in larger groups where many sites are under the same administration. By tracking cycles and monitoring the data, the management team can take measures to prevent minor and major outbreaks.
Key attributes
Real-time disinfection validation
Detailed & automatic reporting
Disinfection report download
Full transparency
Trace and control outbreaks
Peace of mind
The combination of STERISAFE’s Full Depth Disinfection Cycle (FDCC) and STERISAFE STRATOS is a unique solution that transforms the way infection control protocols can be conducted and validated.